Book Brent at your College

Brent Scarpo has spent over 15 years speaking to colleges and universities around world to a growing audience of 1.5 million students. He has achieved numerous awards for his presentations and is EXCITED to present his BRAND NEW PROGRAM, "The Adventures of Brent and Sophie - The Dog That Save My Life." In addition, Brent offers his core programs that have been offered successfully for that last 15 years. We invite you to CLICK on the various program titles, which will lead you to a full description. Once done, give us a call with any questions or booking dates.

Ask the Life Coach - Students are constantly searching for answers to life's problems. Life Coach, Brent Scarpo will spend 90 minutes with his audience answering questions both anonymously and from the audience, so as to provide guidance to some of the more difficult life issues. Think of this as a LIVE Dear Ann Landers, Dr. Drew and more. NACA Conference

Finding Passion and Purpose in Life - The Six Steps - Whether you are working for corporate America, enrolled in college or raising a family, continuing to find Passion and Purpose in Life becomes more and more difficult. Brent Scarpo's program has been presented for numerous corporations, colleges, universities and associations. Participants leave the program revitalized, renewed with a powerful sense of passion and purpose for their lives. During this program, you will discover The Six Secret Steps of having a complete and wonderful life no matter where you might find yourself on life's journey. Brent Speaking as the Winner on The Today Show!


The Adventures of Brent and Sophie - The Dog That Save My Life - Brent Scarpo was on top of the world as a casting director, producer, director, writer and national speaker for colleges and universities. He worked on such films as "The Shawshank Redemption, Air Force One and Matilda". He spent ten years traveling the world with his anti-bullying program, "Journey to a Hate Free Millennium" speaking in each state to over 1.5 million people. Considered one of the top speakers in his field, Scarpo was highly successful, when he felt something was wrong.

One day, he asked himself, "Why am I not happy?" Little did Scarpo realize that he would be facing an ongoing battle with depression and anxiety. His use of addictive substances as a negative coping skill quickly progressed and eventually spun out of control. Nearly losing everything, Scarpo chose to enter a rehab facility in Los Angeles and took on a dog, which he lovingly named Sophie as his companion. In his recovery process, he has learned healthy, effective ways to handle his emotions, as well as life's ups and downs until the day he lost his dog in a hit and run car accident where she fell out the window on to the busy Los Angeles freeway. Unable to find his beloved Sophie, Scarpo decided that was the day he was going to kill himself.
Scarpo will share with audiences "the Miracle" that saved his life and how he continues to cope victoriously with anxiety and depression. Scarpo believes that the feelings he struggles with are faced by people everywhere and that the lessons he continues to learn in recovery are valuable not only for those suffering from depression and anxiety, but to anyone facing life's challenges.

Sophie as a Puppy!

Sophie Graduates Obedience School!

The Artsy Pose!

Sophie “All Dressed Up”

Brent Scarpo and Sophie

Sophie "High Five"

Sophie, “Strike a Pose”